Austin ERISA Attorney Stephen G. Nagle Can Hold Your Employer And Your Insurer Accountable

While ERISA governs employee benefit plans and sets forth laws employers and insurance companies must follow with regard to these plans, many people are surprised to discover that they cannot sue their disability insurance providers for insurance bad faith under ERISA.

Employers and insurers do have certain duties under ERISA , however. If employers or insurance companies neglect their duties under ERISA, employees can seek to hold them accountable for plan losses that result. Examples of common ERISA violations include:

If you are unsure whether your employer has committed an ERISA violation, gather as much information about your plan as possible and bring it to the attention of Austin ERISA lawyer Stephen G. Nagle. Mr. Nagle has experience handling ERISA appeals and ERISA court cases, and he can determine whether your provider has committed any of the above violations. But remember: ERISA claims are time-sensitive, so do not wait until the last minute to start the process. Contact Austin ERISA attorney Stephen G. Nagle as soon as possible.